The weekend of 1/17/25 and 1/18/25 was a blessed one for sure! we had a chance to have a "Men and Boys Movie Night" on Friday night 1/17/25! We got some popcorn, and ordered some wings and pizza and had a bunch of guys of all ages come to the church and watch the movie entitled, "The Forge". It is a fantastic movie and we had a blessing of a time. Such great and inspiring reminders of the calling on Men's lives and also wonderful highlights of the things that should be focal points for Men of God.

On Saturday night 1/18/25 members of our Music Team were a part of a Worship Night where multiple churches were present. Our Music Team from Calvary played, and so did some members from Walnut Hill Church's Music Team, and so did members from Calvary Southbury's Music Team. Churches represented were Calvary Southbury, Calvary Chapel Naugatuck, Walnut Hill (Waterbury), Litchfield Hills Church, and Northford Community Church. Jesus' name was lifted on high and it was a beautiful night of church collaboration and people pouring out their hearts to Jesus.
