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Calvary Chapel Naugatuck is a non-denominational church believing in  the inerrancy of the Bible. We focus on expository teaching from Genesis to Revelation, upholding prayer as equal in importance to teaching, and a commitment to intentionally welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit. 


Our purpose as a Church is simple; it is to: 

"Build a community of Christ followers who love God and serve others"


Our focus here at Calvary is to cultivate an environment of authenticity and openness while still maintaining God's truth in a humble and loving way.

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We are aware that doctrine is critically important to any church. We are also aware that different church families have differing values depending upon the context, community, and vision of that particular church family.


Our church family strongly values the following in no particular order:

  • Presence- We see all throughout Scripture what happens when the presence of The Spirit of God collides with our natural world; circumstances and people are radically affected and things never remain the same. 

  • Preaching and Teaching- We believe strongly in the power of preaching and teaching We believe in the inerrancy in Scripture and that God has entrusted His sons and daughters to proclaim the Good News. We are committed to preaching and teaching the entire Bible.

  • Prayer- We take very seriously the words of Jesus when He said that the Lord's house is a "House of Prayer". We are intentionally very committed to this great privilege of prayer. We worship with an understanding that in order to accomplish what God wants to do through His church, we need to be a committed and consistent prayerful church family.

  • Provision- We believe that God wants all of our hearts and lives, not just a percentage of our wallets. We value greatly the way that God reveals Himself to us and the way He increases our faith in the area of provision when we are faithful to what He asks of us.

  • Authenticity- We hold very close to our hearts the teachings of Jesus where he repeatedly encouraged and warned people of hypocrisy. We are very vocal and intentional about the kind of purity of heart and sanctification that Jesus referenced so often. 

  • Forgiveness- We believe that this is critical to the Christian faith. Not only in receiving from God, but also in giving to others. We value greatly the Spirit's transformational work of victory and growth in this area of a person's life.

  • City- We believe in Naugatuck and we value Naugatuck. We want to see the town succeed and we want to be a part of that process. We pray continuously for leaders of our town, for addictions to be broken, for homes to be restored, for hearts to be healed, and for salvation to occur for everyone in our town. We continue to strive to be a true "light on the hill" in our town.

  • Bride- We love and value the entire Bride of Christ, not just our local fellowship. We believe strongly in the necessity of the local church, but we also know that there is a bigger work happening all over this globe. We get together regularly with other churches, ministries, and denominations because we believe, value, and need the church with a capital "C" not just our own local church. We are a part of something much greater than just our own amazing local church family.

  • Evangelism- We believe that much of our role as a church is to fulfill the greatest commandment and the great commission. We value each greatly and we realize that we will not save souls and multiply if we only stick to routines or methods of what we prefer, what feels comfortable, or what is culturally acceptable. We realize that evangelism involves Biblical truths that are boldly spoken and demonstrated. We also realize that powerful evangelism primarily comes from a heart of love and compassion that the Spirit cultivates.

  • Fellowship- We believe that healthy fellowship creates the perfect environment for strong discipleship. We intentionally and joyfully make room for people in our church family to connect. Meal time on Sunday mornings after service help to provide some of this fellowship and our small groups always have at least one meeting dedicated to just getting to know one another over a meal. It is a gift from God for us to do life together and we try to enjoy that gift with one another as often as we can.




159 Church Street,

Naugatuck, CT. 06770


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